XsGerry: Pass the cap old chap!
XsGerry: Oi Oi, chav cap!
XsGerry: Jessie wants two of something
XsGerry: DSCF4889
XsGerry: No posing pleasse :-)
XsGerry: Kenny and p3te
XsGerry: The Mediocre Mask was a feature of the evening
XsGerry: P3te and The Doctor
XsGerry: Three pints please. Yes, and three for me too.
XsGerry: DSCF4878
XsGerry: Ah, how lovely...er, what is it?
XsGerry: Piston_fixed arrives late
XsGerry: DSCF4870
XsGerry: DSCF4869
XsGerry: By the power of the lord-ah, YOU ARE-AH HEALED!
XsGerry: Dixon Balls is now part of the petting zoo
XsGerry: I use wax AND mousse...
XsGerry: J Peasemold Gruntfuttock, Dixon Balls and Professor Kenny compare heads
XsGerry: Shiny head appreciation society
XsGerry: I bet I can make his head squeak...
XsGerry: DSCF4861
XsGerry: Have you seen this man?
XsGerry: Grrrrrr!
XsGerry: just kidding...not Grrrr
XsGerry: DSCF4857
XsGerry: DSCF4855
XsGerry: Mister Horrible in the middle, looking uncommonly like Ben Elton in the Young Ones
XsGerry: Stop! Hammer Time
XsGerry: DSCF4850
XsGerry: Cornholio puts in an appearence