XsGerry: DSCF1606
XsGerry: DB7
XsGerry: DSCF1604
XsGerry: DSCF1599
XsGerry: Aston Martin DB7 V12
XsGerry: Vantage at Loch Levern
XsGerry: Muscle-y car
XsGerry: Not even a sore back after over 1000 miles
XsGerry: A beast with a shiny bonnet
XsGerry: Oh, p.s. the stereo is kickass!
XsGerry: AMV8-2
XsGerry: AMV8-8
XsGerry: AMV8-1
XsGerry: AMV8-7
XsGerry: AMV8-6
XsGerry: AMV8-5
XsGerry: AMV8-3
XsGerry: AMV8-4
XsGerry: DBS1
XsGerry: DBS2
XsGerry: DB9-7
XsGerry: DB9-3
XsGerry: DB9-6
XsGerry: DB9-5
XsGerry: DB9-4
XsGerry: DB9-2
XsGerry: DB9
XsGerry: Goonhilly downs
XsGerry: Mercury grey is one of the more restrained paint jobs available
XsGerry: The exhausts have a bypass valve for high RPM, howls like a banshee