xroper7: Sunset behind the Merrimac
xroper7: Erotic spirituality
xroper7: The swamp gets ready for winter..
xroper7: This isn't Berkeley Square
xroper7: Sunrise over the parking garage
xroper7: The edge of night
xroper7: ....just the beer light to guide us...
xroper7: Badger's Island
xroper7: Forgotten take-out
xroper7: Back seat emotions
xroper7: Window people at night
xroper7: a species vanishing
xroper7: Baby looks angry...
xroper7: Dashiell
xroper7: Hey, you got green eyes
xroper7: Barflection redux
xroper7: NEPO
xroper7: Things don't always happen for a reason
xroper7: Something of interest
xroper7: Summer surprised us...
xroper7: M I T - K E Y
xroper7: Downriver from Ram Island...
xroper7: "Turn on, tune in, drop out"
xroper7: A227
xroper7: $5 street photo....
xroper7: ...and stops my mind from wandering.
xroper7: Walk on guilded splinters
xroper7: World Cup Through Sauvignon Blanc Colored Glasses
xroper7: Temporary home of the snail mail
xroper7: Lawn chairs are everywhere