Xping: 他们的幸福就在这灯火栏栅处
Xping: 幸福的孩子
Xping: Mama, help! I can't reach the grass...
Xping: 洋洋得意
Xping: 象牙蚌
Xping: Lala Hawker
Xping: Fish cage maker
Xping: Kpg. Gobil - A fish village
Xping: Kpg. Goebilt A wonderful fish Village
Xping: Public Phone Security Guards
Xping: Woooow...yummy grass over there!
Xping: Kpg Goebilt - Kids playing and they requested for my shot
Xping: Kpg Goebilt - Fishing boats
Xping: DSC05923
Xping: 杀鱼大哥
Xping: 唯一的一种鱼
Xping: Kpg.Geobilt