xona808: Ché vs. Ché
xona808: face art
xona808: leiderhosen!
xona808: TwoTreesSml
xona808: breakfast with j
xona808: first breakfast in new place
xona808: driving grease lightening
xona808: ampitheatre
xona808: anti church
xona808: in&out
xona808: fleeting
xona808: view of vancouver
xona808: broken heart
xona808: hour 1
xona808: chums
xona808: type floor
xona808: fish sandwiches
xona808: toy dogs
xona808: sport
xona808: plaquard
xona808: 2nd photo
xona808: my city
xona808: hrm.
xona808: cherokee vs navajo