definatalie: The bride's maids
definatalie: Photo0261A.jpg
definatalie: By the door to Wonderland
definatalie: You can't wear high heels in a park!
definatalie: A moment to ourselves
definatalie: The boys
definatalie: Marg, Dad and Mum
definatalie: Marg, me and Mum
definatalie: We had a rainbow!
definatalie: After the ceremony
definatalie: The ceremony
definatalie: The ceremony
definatalie: Dad and I
definatalie: Amanda and Michelle
definatalie: Amanda and Michelle
definatalie: Mum and Sam
definatalie: Before the ceremony
definatalie: The boys
definatalie: After the ceremony
definatalie: After the ceremony
definatalie: The ceremony
definatalie: Waiting for me to come down the aisle
definatalie: The ceremony
definatalie: After the ceremony
definatalie: After the ceremony