momfetti: First gift opened: mouse rattle.
momfetti: Gift to Floor from Papa.
momfetti: Floor is helping open the box.
momfetti: Hooray for more Haba toys!
momfetti: Look at the cute elf rattles.
momfetti: It's a dream vessel.
momfetti: Papa loves Floor.
momfetti: Cat making sure everything is ok.
momfetti: Cat sniffing Floor.
momfetti: Cat sniffing papa.
momfetti: Papa opening gift from mommy.
momfetti: Opening Floor's gift to mommy.
momfetti: Floor's gift to mommy. Wonder what it is?
momfetti: Floor gave mommy video games. Hooray!
momfetti: Floor opening her gift from mommy.
momfetti: It's a haba ball.
momfetti: Mommy happy with her 19th trashy romance novel.
momfetti: Open gift from Floor to Papa.
momfetti: Something they have in common.
momfetti: Moustache buddies!
momfetti: I puffy pink heart my new food processor.