xLontrax: Day 5 of 10 of #rockyourtalk Today’s expression is fun and derive from dialect: “mica pizza e fichi” Translate in: “It’s not like pizza and figs” I just realized that I wrote figues in French, oooops… You understood anyway, right? Good morning all! #pizza
xLontrax: Day 4 of 10 of #rockyourtalk Today’s expression is a bit complex but I thought as it’s Saturday we have more time to practice 😂 Here it is: “E adesso ci tocca mettere le pezze a colori” Literally translate in: “And now we have to put on some colorful
xLontrax: Day 3 of 10 of #rockyourtalk Today’s expression is a kind of slang-ish way to say a reinforced “wait a minute!” “Alzo paletta! Ferma il treno!” Literally translate in: “I’m raising the hand sign! Stop the train!” Is a “colorful” and metaphorical expressio
xLontrax: Day 2 of 10 of #rockyourtalk prj Today’s expression “È arrivato il brillantone” Translate in The smartest guy is arrived You know, the brillantone is one of those guys who “mansplain” to everyone 😂 Good morning all! #mansplaining #knowitall #learnital
xLontrax: Day 1 of 10 of #rockyourtalk Today’s expression is: E’ come dare la cicca all’asino It means: It’s like to give a chewing gum to the donkey Have fun! Record a video of you telling this and post here. Good morning everyone #learnitalian #disrupt #meetingfu