xLontrax: This year I join #inktober too! And I’ll do my best to keep the pace [pinky swear] Here is “poisonous” #inktober2018
xLontrax: Day 2 #inktober so far so good! #tranquil #inktober2018
xLontrax: Here is #inktober entry nr 3: Roasted! This was an open-and-shut interpretation 😂 #inktober2018 #lunchtimedoodle
xLontrax: For #inktober day 4 I would like to remember Tao, my beloved rabbit. Miss you bunny! #inktober2018 #lunchtimedoodle
xLontrax: Not the best drawing ever for #inktober day 5 but you get the idea, right? #inktober2018 #lunchtimedoodle
xLontrax: That’s Amore! My entry fo #inktober day 6! #inktober2018
xLontrax: Today’s #inktober is about those pencils you used for ages and you refuse to let them go. #inktober2018
xLontrax: Do you know? In September and #inktober the Sketchnoter Major constellation is visible with the naked eye! #inktober2018 #lunchtimedoodle
xLontrax: The most important things in life are precious. #inktober #inktober2018
xLontrax: I know, I know, I’m late! Catching up with #inktober flow! #inktober2018 #lunchtimedoodle
xLontrax: Well... this could be cruel! #inktober #inktober2018 #lunchtimedoodle
xLontrax: Here is the #whalegram for #inktober #inktober2018
xLontrax: Not sure it can fit in today’s #inktober topic #guarded but I like the idea of someone guarding pencil and eraser #inktober2018
xLontrax: Hardcore solution for #timemanagement : nail that #inktober clock! #inktober2018 #lunchtimedoodle
xLontrax: Better late than never. Late night yet befit midnight quick doodle for #inktober but I was too weak 😂 to post it #inktober2018
xLontrax: I know, I know. This #inktober entry is #supernerd #inktober2018
xLontrax: Little Fat Chef back in action for today’s #inktober entry! #inktober2018 #lunchtimedoodle
xLontrax: Today, #inktober at sunset: the glorious 1899 CocaCola bottle. #inktober2018
xLontrax: One day late #inktober . Climate Change... #inktober2018
xLontrax: Today’s #inktober is about taking deep breaths, counting to 10 and carrying on... #inktober2018
xLontrax: This was as easy as pie for me: I LOVE to draw pipes! #inktober #inktober2018
xLontrax: This was kind of easy too! #inktober #inktober2018 #lunchtimedoodle
xLontrax: Late #inktober #Muddy more a #3ddoodle than a #inktober2018
xLontrax: Using a different meaning for today’s #inktober : #chop Interesting enough #chopchop originates from Chinese kuài-kuài #inktober2018 #lunchtimedoodle
xLontrax: This #inktober made me think about the dichotomy between what is said and how what said is actually supported #inktober2018
xLontrax: Another 1 day late #inktober , here is a new time management technique #inktober2018
xLontrax: Today’s #inktober seems a good occasion for a #3ddoodle #inktober2018
xLontrax: Here is my today’s #inktober : my notebook is the gift! I’ll go back to it from time to time and I’ll always remember #inktober2018
xLontrax: Late #inktober #jolt Cheers!!! #inktober2018 #lunchtimedoodle
xLontrax: And let we celebrate the last #inktober2018 entry with Little Fat Chef slicing a delicious roasted pork thigh for everyone! #inktober #lunchtimedoodle