xLontrax: How to make bad behavior irrelevant
xLontrax: Prototype Goals
xLontrax: The Power Of Prototyping
xLontrax: 2015-09-13 13.28.13
xLontrax: Human Centered Design course by Scott Klemmer, UC San Diego on Coursera - Lesson 1 recap - Made with Paper / fiftythree.com
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xLontrax: Recapping Social Computing #mooc week 1 - drafting concepts
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xLontrax: IHTS - PR4E Office Hours Itali
xLontrax: IHTS - PR4E Office Hours Itali
xLontrax: IHTS - PR4E Office Hours Itali
xLontrax: IHTS - PR4E Office Hours Itali
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xLontrax: IHTS - PR4E Office Hours Itali
xLontrax: Programming for Everybody Coursera MOOC
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