XJCreations: Happy Horse
XJCreations: Gearing Up
XJCreations: Got Any Treats?
XJCreations: Beautiful Stallion
XJCreations: Heading Out from the Ranch
XJCreations: Windswept Mountains
XJCreations: Pu'u Kapu Ai Survey Marker
XJCreations: Pu'u Kapu Ai Northern View
XJCreations: Waianae Mountains
XJCreations: Two Grey Francolins
XJCreations: Hunting
XJCreations: Wiliwili Tree
XJCreations: Windswept
XJCreations: Heading Down the Ridge
XJCreations: Tiki Rock
XJCreations: Tiki Rock
XJCreations: Oahu Sugar Irrigation System
XJCreations: Having a Chicken for Lunch
XJCreations: The grass is always greener (and apparently better tasting) other side of the fence.