XJCreations: Three Lolos
XJCreations: 20160425_072426
XJCreations: Sign Says It All
XJCreations: Memorial
XJCreations: Koloa Gulch Trail
XJCreations: Koloa Gulch with La'ie Beyond
XJCreations: Dry Land Ohia
XJCreations: Dry Land Ohia
XJCreations: Large Lama Leaf
XJCreations: Large Lama Leaf
XJCreations: Lama Liko
XJCreations: Lama Liko
XJCreations: Lama Liko
XJCreations: First of Many Stream Crossings
XJCreations: Carex wahuensis
XJCreations: Two Crazies
XJCreations: So Much Rock Hopping
XJCreations: Tahitian Prawn Snacking on Rice
XJCreations: Break Already?
XJCreations: Bug on Bidens
XJCreations: Bug on Bidens
XJCreations: Ohia ai Litter
XJCreations: Valley Trail
XJCreations: 20160425_092425
XJCreations: 20160425_092444