XJCreations: Kawainui Marsh and Kailua Town
XJCreations: Ladies on the Ropes
XJCreations: Lower Trail Pana
XJCreations: Maunawili Valley
XJCreations: Lots of Loose Gravel
XJCreations: Climbing to Olomana
XJCreations: Summit of Olomana
XJCreations: Puku'i and Ahiki
XJCreations: More Deposits
XJCreations: Mike Finishing Puku'i
XJCreations: Ladies At the Dike Section of Puku'i
XJCreations: Final Climb to Puku'i
XJCreations: Destination: Ahiki!
XJCreations: Puku'i
XJCreations: Longgggg way down!
XJCreations: Here we go!
XJCreations: Mike Departing Puku'i
XJCreations: Crossing to Ahiki
XJCreations: Ahiki Looms Ahead
XJCreations: Initial Descent of the Key Hole
XJCreations: The Last Rope
XJCreations: Going around the Key Hole
XJCreations: Mike Disappears around the Key Hole
XJCreations: "The Key Hole"
XJCreations: Almost to Ahiki!
XJCreations: Clouds over Waimanalo
XJCreations: Ainoni Ridge and the Ko'olaupokos