Armin Fuchs: garage door with reflection
Pascal Heymans: Scheldekaaien, Antwerpen, België
Bluesrose: Vertical Spring
wotanseyepatch: High Noon - vertical
osbo: One Za'abeel
Nucleix: L'Arche
feliksbln: goldige knicke | berlin | 2404
Toby Cottrell: Those concrete stairs, Tate Modern
wotanseyepatch: Red, Green, Grey
HWHawerkamp: Stralsund
Henny Vogelaar: The Silent Reflection
No Great Hurry: Simple Abstract 226
Paco Penadés: Taken by Surprise
pdobeson: Templo de Madrid. Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días.
ximo rosell: Arquitectura XXXIX/ Architecture XXXIX.
sunny-drunk: "Industry 2017..#1321
bernard.saubot: 96 glints
Jan van der Wolf: Roof tiles and shadows
Mabry Campbell: Kinder Interior No. 1
Photo Alan: Raining Day
P1n24: Built with light
Hildegard Spickenbaum: Lichtfänger
tmyfrn: Horseshoe Bend Arizona