xfrf: Inception totem falls in the end
xfrf: light research
xfrf: logo tower
xfrf: lattice
xfrf: Breaking stuff
xfrf: Logo rotation
xfrf: Clock mechanics
xfrf: XPresso group for previous video
xfrf: Joint chains - arithmetic
xfrf: Squares to triangles
xfrf: Plant growht
xfrf: Logo in the city
xfrf: v-to-v test
xfrf: cubes-2
xfrf: Flying cubes test
xfrf: Limur v.0.1 test
xfrf: necklace model
xfrf: Noise displacement test
xfrf: Luzhkov planet
xfrf: Mograph experiments
xfrf: Abstracts
xfrf: Abstract C-shape
xfrf: Pokemon!