Xevi V: Ethiopian highlands
Xevi V: Mekelle 1
Xevi V: Mekelle 2
Xevi V: Bajaj
Xevi V: Market Mekelle 1
Xevi V: Market Mekelle 2
Xevi V: Tigray children 1
Xevi V: Market Melazat
Xevi V: Noies Tigray
Xevi V: Tigray children 2
Xevi V: Tigray children 3
Xevi V: Tigray children 4
Xevi V: Pomera de Sodoma 1
Xevi V: Camel caravans 2
Xevi V: Cap a l'Erta Ale
Xevi V: Erta Ale volcano 1
Xevi V: Erta Ale volcano 2
Xevi V: Erta Ale volcano 7
Xevi V: Erta Ale volcano 8
Xevi V: Erta Ale volcano 6
Xevi V: Erta Ale volcano 4
Xevi V: Erta Ale volcano 10
Xevi V: Llac de lava de l'Erta Ale 1
Xevi V: Erta Ale volcano 5
Xevi V: Silhouettes
Xevi V: Erta Ale 3
Xevi V: This is Africa...
Xevi V: The Gate of Hell
Xevi V: Erta Ale Volcano 9
Xevi V: Travellers