Old_Man_Leica: Signs of the times
Old_Man_Leica: Cafe Society
Old_Man_Leica: Drift
Old_Man_Leica: Churchyard Spring 1
Old_Man_Leica: Churchyard Spring 2
Old_Man_Leica: Catwalk Cafe coffee pot
Old_Man_Leica: Luvli bunch...
Old_Man_Leica: Stray Tree
Old_Man_Leica: Dragon's Den..
Old_Man_Leica: J299EWT
Old_Man_Leica: Rocky Road
Old_Man_Leica: Cinema 1930's
Old_Man_Leica: Switch
Old_Man_Leica: Photographer's Habitat?
Old_Man_Leica: Cinema
Old_Man_Leica: Near Pavilions
Old_Man_Leica: Magnolia II
Old_Man_Leica: Bench marking
Old_Man_Leica: Playful fountain
Old_Man_Leica: Demons in Paradise ?
Old_Man_Leica: Playful Fountain II
Old_Man_Leica: Round the Bend
Old_Man_Leica: Communication
Old_Man_Leica: Low Harrogate; Pump Rooms
Old_Man_Leica: Vanishing Point