xerlia: Girly Cards
xerlia: Cheswick, Martini, McMurphy, Harding
xerlia: Faceoff 2
xerlia: Faceoff 1
xerlia: Shock Treatment
xerlia: Ratched, McMurphy, Dr. Spivey, Aide Warren
xerlia: Ratched, McMurphy
xerlia: Sandy comes to the party
xerlia: Flinn, Ratched, Harding
xerlia: Flinn, Ratched
xerlia: Ratched, Billy
xerlia: Bromden, McMurphy
xerlia: Chief Bromden
xerlia: Card Game
xerlia: Group Therapy
xerlia: Plotting
xerlia: A Plan
xerlia: Basketball
xerlia: Conductant
xerlia: Shock Treatment
xerlia: Shock Treatment
xerlia: Annoyed Ratched
xerlia: Psych
xerlia: McMurphy, Scanlon
xerlia: McMurphy
xerlia: Nurse Ratched