xenonb.: Frozen Hearts
xenonb.: glasiert - glazed frost
xenonb.: Konturen aus Kristall - crystal contours
xenonb.: Winter lässt sein eisig Band... - winter lets its icy ribbon...
xenonb.: over and over
xenonb.: WinterBlütenZauber - the charm of winter
xenonb.: Nadeln aus Eis - spiky ice
xenonb.: trio
xenonb.: Eisvogel - ice bird
xenonb.: Erfrorene Harmonie - frozen harmony
xenonb.: winter's farewell present?
xenonb.: winter ade
xenonb.: the wilted and frosted leaf
xenonb.: ice princess
xenonb.: crystal (and) balls
xenonb.: frost
xenonb.: not alone and with a crystal crown
xenonb.: rosehip
xenonb.: with a frozen cap
xenonb.: in a crimson coat of frozen velvet
xenonb.: kissed by Jack Frost
xenonb.: soft ice
xenonb.: ice on wood
xenonb.: cold as ice
xenonb.: white headed
xenonb.: blue with cold
xenonb.: today are only cold dishes on the menu
xenonb.: winterdaisies
xenonb.: daisy on ice
xenonb.: hanging around on a gloomy winter day