Xenedis: St Mary of the Presentation Catholic Church Re-Visited
Xenedis: St John the Baptist Anglican Church, Mudgee
Xenedis: Sandstone
Xenedis: St Mary of the Presentation Catholic Church, Mudgee
Xenedis: Nave of Ely Cathedral
Xenedis: The Octagon
Xenedis: The East Window
Xenedis: The Organ and the Nave of Ely Cathedral
Xenedis: High Altar of Ely Cathedral
Xenedis: Ely Altar
Xenedis: Ely Cathedral Epicentre
Xenedis: Ely Cathedral
Xenedis: Gothic Arches of the Cenacle
Xenedis: The Cenacle on Mount Zion
Xenedis: Church of the Flagellation
Xenedis: Entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Xenedis: Christ Pantocrator Mosaic at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Xenedis: Catholicon in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Xenedis: Catholicon
Xenedis: Nave of the Church of All Nations
Xenedis: Ceiling of the Church of All Nations
Xenedis: Church of All Nations - Jesus and Judas in the Garden of Gethsemane
Xenedis: Church of the Loaves and Fishes
Xenedis: Altar of the Church of the Loaves and Fishes
Xenedis: The Nave of St Peter's
Xenedis: St Peter's Anglican Cathedral, Adelaide
Xenedis: Altarside
Xenedis: Lady Chapel
Xenedis: High Above
Xenedis: The Altar