Xeleanth: LRRH Spread 1
Xeleanth: LRH-walking-complete
Xeleanth: seriously-I-am-done-with-LRH
Xeleanth: Done-front-and-back-cover
Xeleanth: front-cover-without-title
Xeleanth: LRH-pen-art-1.0
Xeleanth: The-trail-flat-and-done
Xeleanth: the trail not done
Xeleanth: Finished Spread One LRRH series
Xeleanth: The Trail - ready for color - flickr image
Xeleanth: Wolf - Ready for color - flickr image
Xeleanth: Little Red Ridding Hood - ready for coloring - flickr image
Xeleanth: The-Trail---line-art-process
Xeleanth: thetrail
Xeleanth: LRRH---vector
Xeleanth: Little Red Riding Hood
Xeleanth: LRRH Spread 2