*smi*: Hairy...
*smi*: hugo - the small spider
*smi*: Kaugummi?? Chewing gum?
*smi*: Breakfast Fly ~ Frühstücks-Fliege
*smi*: Beautiful flower (clematis) in the streets of alkmaar
*smi*: forget-me-not - Vergissmeinnicht
*smi*: Pusteblume - blowball - bw
*smi*: Daisy - Gänseblümchen
*smi*: Löwenzahn - Dandelion :-)
*smi*: Hummel - Bumblebee
*smi*: Explosion
*smi*: Alte Zahnbürste - Old teethbrush
*smi*: Antrieb - Gear
*smi*: Japanische Kirschblüte - Cherry Blossoms (sorry for editing: i was not sure if almond or cherry blossoms)
*smi*: Insect paradies
*smi*: Hyazinthe
*smi*: Small yellow flower :-)
*smi*: Butterfly sucking :)
*smi*: Monsieur Butterfly
*smi*: Mistook for weakness
*smi*: Taubenschwänzchen
*smi*: Yellow :-)
*smi*: My little zebra spider (jumpspider) she is really smal
*smi*: sometimes flies get on the nerves
*smi*: world of colors
*smi*: Faszinierende Blume - fascinating flower
*smi*: Housespider with eggs
*smi*: Long vehicle
*smi*: Family getaway - Familienausflug
*smi*: behind walls