Drew Migdal: View from our Apartment window
Drew Migdal: P1030916
Drew Migdal: On the way in
Drew Migdal: P1030919
Drew Migdal: Security
Drew Migdal: Still on the way in
Drew Migdal: P1030931
Drew Migdal: TSA metal detectors
Drew Migdal: Obama rally
Drew Migdal: Jamie's got a golden ticket!
Drew Migdal: Big crowd
Drew Migdal: Obama elected!
Drew Migdal: Obama wins
Drew Migdal: Jamie and Drew
Drew Migdal: crowd control
Drew Migdal: Obama wins New York
Drew Migdal: newsies
Drew Migdal: McCain conceeds
Drew Migdal: P1030983
Drew Migdal: First Family
Drew Migdal: President Elect and Vice elect
Drew Migdal: Obama rally : Sweet home Chicago
Drew Migdal: crowd control 2
Drew Migdal: Interview 1
Drew Migdal: Hi, I'm at the Obama Rally with Drew