Vixie Vaporous: Deboxing Allura Zumi
Vixie Vaporous: Rockin' the placemat
Vixie Vaporous: Oh, you mean pose like this?
Vixie Vaporous: I don't think this is the beaten path.
Vixie Vaporous: Tree's a crowd.
Vixie Vaporous: Heliotrope Gaze
Vixie Vaporous: Allura Zumi and her Vixie Frox
Vixie Vaporous: Cutesy Bootsie
Vixie Vaporous: Testing out my new duds.
Vixie Vaporous: Apples and Oranges
Vixie Vaporous: Territorial Pissings
Vixie Vaporous: My de-boxing gift lovingly sewn by my Blythe Momma.