xbn83: Lynx Spider vs Leafhopper
xbn83: Tiny Spider & an Aphid Prey
xbn83: Small Crab Spider & Prey
xbn83: Lynx Spider and Its Trophy
xbn83: A small Crab Spider's big meal
xbn83: Jumping Spider & Its Dinner
xbn83: Fly eats wasp
xbn83: Spider vs spider
xbn83: Long Legs Fly - Dolichopodidae vs Flying Ant
xbn83: Jumping Spider with its delicious dinner (Flying Ant)
xbn83: Crab Spider vs Fruit Fly
xbn83: Lynx Spider had a cranefly for dinner
xbn83: Lynx Spider vs Assassin Bug Nymph: 1-0
xbn83: Jumping Spider & Its meal
xbn83: Jumping Spider & Its meal
xbn83: Jumping Spider & Its meal