xbn83: Lynx Spider
xbn83: Just an eye of a Hoverfly...
xbn83: First Jumper of 2014
xbn83: First Macro of 2014
xbn83: First Jumper of This Year =)
xbn83: ...
xbn83: ...
xbn83: ...
xbn83: Spring...
xbn83: Bee...
xbn83: Back to macro =)
xbn83: Dragonfly
xbn83: ...
xbn83: Jumping Spider
xbn83: Jumping Spider
xbn83: Long nosed beetle
xbn83: Jumping Spider
xbn83: Large Carpenter Bees - Xylocopa Virginica???
xbn83: Bumble Bee???
xbn83: Large Carpenter Bee - Xylocopa Virginica???
xbn83: Tiny Wasp - Laelius???
xbn83: Sleeping Bee (no ID)
xbn83: Mining Bee - Andrena???
xbn83: Longhorn Beetle
xbn83: Hoverfly
xbn83: Crab Spider - Bassaniana Floridana???
xbn83: Skipper Butterfly - Anatrytone Logan???
xbn83: Paper Wasp - Polistes Bellicosus???
xbn83: Jumping Spider
xbn83: Robber Fly Portrait