ChenYen.Lai: Ready to hike up
ChenYen.Lai: A girl try to stand balance
ChenYen.Lai: Railway
ChenYen.Lai: Railway
ChenYen.Lai: Railway
ChenYen.Lai: S72_7480
ChenYen.Lai: UCR Bell Tower
ChenYen.Lai: UCR compus from Mt. C
ChenYen.Lai: S72_7485
ChenYen.Lai: Railway
ChenYen.Lai: You should stand close.
ChenYen.Lai: Pentland & Glen Mor
ChenYen.Lai: Railway
ChenYen.Lai: UCR landmark
ChenYen.Lai: Big Spring Rd. and Islander park
ChenYen.Lai: T16_7498
ChenYen.Lai: T16_7501
ChenYen.Lai: You shouldn't look at my camera next time
ChenYen.Lai: T16_7503
ChenYen.Lai: T16_7504
ChenYen.Lai: It's the way up.
ChenYen.Lai: Urban Area near Blaine St.
ChenYen.Lai: Urban Area near Blaine St.
ChenYen.Lai: Urban Area near East Blaine St.
ChenYen.Lai: East of UCR
ChenYen.Lai: That's C of UCR
ChenYen.Lai: Yes, The C!!!!
ChenYen.Lai: T16_7514
ChenYen.Lai: T16_7515
ChenYen.Lai: S72_7516