magwheelsphoto: in the capital
magwheelsphoto: fish market
magwheelsphoto: our fale
magwheelsphoto: DSC00504.JPG
magwheelsphoto: DSC00501.JPG
magwheelsphoto: virgin cove
magwheelsphoto: coconut milk
magwheelsphoto: christian church in samoa
magwheelsphoto: banyan tree
magwheelsphoto: banyan in field
magwheelsphoto: buses in the capital, Apia
magwheelsphoto: and play really loud music
magwheelsphoto: bus stop
magwheelsphoto: new zeland
magwheelsphoto: man o war jellyfish
magwheelsphoto: NZ jellyfish
magwheelsphoto: australia
magwheelsphoto: dead moon in melbourne