Xabier Alonso: Um Belo Horizonte.
Xabier Alonso: Bota fogo.
Xabier Alonso: Inferno
Xabier Alonso: E non afogarás... (Explored, 17/5/2011)
Xabier Alonso: Varias gnominaciones.
Xabier Alonso: Aos de Cangas viulles ver a luz divina.
Xabier Alonso: Breakfast.
Xabier Alonso: Diamond Street
Xabier Alonso: Living underwater, for a while.
Xabier Alonso: The harbor after the sun has fallen (reposted).
Xabier Alonso: My town feels blue.
Xabier Alonso: I need to wait till the next time (b&w).
Xabier Alonso: I need to wait till the next time (color).
Xabier Alonso: É este o ano da morte de Ricardo Reis? (Explored 8/15/2012).
Xabier Alonso: Deste-me um nome de rua...
Xabier Alonso: Like a natural cathedral.
Xabier Alonso: Swan - sea
Xabier Alonso: Images from Galicia: Atlantic forest.
Xabier Alonso: Smoking dress.
Xabier Alonso: See you - Thank you for your kind support.
Xabier Alonso: The traveling voyeur: from the car.
Xabier Alonso: We want information
Xabier Alonso: Woman talking to another. From one world to another.
Xabier Alonso: Light: outside, at the end of, inside... the tunnel. Make your choice.
Xabier Alonso: It will fall. [Explored]
Xabier Alonso: Delicate
Xabier Alonso: Childhood.
Xabier Alonso: Only kids can be surprised by the commonest things.
Xabier Alonso: The moonlight consoles my sorrow.
Xabier Alonso: Crowd-walking.