x376: Jump in
x376: Back flop
x376: lookoutbelow
x376: legs
x376: inyougo
x376: hereicome
x376: headfirst
x376: flip
x376: slide
x376: cannonball
x376: backflip
x376: just jump
x376: splash
x376: this is going to hurt
x376: end over end
x376: Hot and summertime!!
x376: eye the competition
x376: back bend
x376: how did I do this
x376: looking for the disk
x376: got it
x376: splash
x376: good
x376: going in
x376: face first
x376: Head first
x376: Dunking
x376: Air
x376: Arm out in case of an accident
x376: Good form