x376: A man lost to his memories
x376: Looking back at the Washington Monument
x376: Each Island was a war unto itself
x376: As Europe was liberated, the peace settled in for a very short period of time
x376: Harry Truman, a President with a backbone
x376: A quote that needs to be remembered, today
x376: The day that marked the begining of the end
x376: Equal rights as defined by the Comanding General
x376: Honoring the women
x376: Entrance to the Pacific side
x376: Each state and territory has a pillar
x376: A closer look to the left or Pacific side
x376: Stepping back to see the whole wall
x376: Service Stars line a wall
x376: The Atlantic side is remembered on the right
x376: Remembering the pacfic to the left
x376: In front was the Lincoln Memorial
x376: A Christmas Story from 1945 by Charles R. Hart 1921 - 2006