x376: 20
x376: 19
x376: 18
x376: 17
x376: 16
x376: 15
x376: 14
x376: 13
x376: 12
x376: 11
x376: 10
x376: 9
x376: 8
x376: 7
x376: 6
x376: 5
x376: 4
x376: 3
x376: 2
x376: 1
x376: inspection5
x376: inspection4
x376: inspection3
x376: inspection2
x376: inspection
x376: Inspection before taking the position on the line 13
x376: Inspection before taking the position on the line 6
x376: Inspection before taking the position on the line 12
x376: Inspection before taking the position on the line 11
x376: Ready to proceed