x376: Cleveland sky Line and the smoke from Georgia
x376: long view
x376: view of bridge
x376: Draw bridge on the near west side
x376: high level bridge in the back ground
x376: bridge keeper's residence
x376: Bridge near west side
x376: a view from the road
x376: Out of Service lift bridge
x376: Street artisits have been at work
x376: Out of service and parked in the up position
x376: Other side
x376: multiple bridges
x376: foot bridge
x376: draw bridge
x376: Turnbuckle
x376: bolts
x376: upper turnbuckle
x376: inner face
x376: bridge and tower
x376: more lift cables
x376: bridge and towers
x376: well maintained
x376: Men at work
x376: High level bridge end statues
x376: Jacobs field in the backgound
x376: A look over a near by building
x376: Another end
x376: Federal building statue
x376: Cleveland Hard Rock Cafe