x376: Tie replacer
x376: The Crew
x376: Cross tie replacement machine
x376: Replacing ties
x376: Three tie replacement macines working together
x376: Following the ties, comes a grooming machine
x376: Recovering the metal plates
x376: Close up of the sweeping action
x376: Unknown
x376: Plate setter
x376: Plate setter 2
x376: Nailer, or spike setter
x376: Time for a story - read please it ties all this together
x376: Working their way around the curve
x376: Spiking car
x376: One very complicated hammer
x376: A second hammering machine
x376: Just another day at work
x376: Additional finishing
x376: Purpose unknown
x376: Time for a person to do some work
x376: A person doing this job was called a Gandy Dancer for years
x376: One spike that needs attention
x376: Grader sweeper combination
x376: Sweeping
x376: Grading
x376: All the way back
x376: What is that?
x376: The business end
x376: The operator has a great deal of experience