x-light-x: looking out
x-light-x: Autumn arrival
x-light-x: lake Tinnsjø
x-light-x: fine evening by the lake Seljordsvatnet
x-light-x: Another forrest floor
x-light-x: Tysbast (Norwegian) - Daphne Mezereum.
x-light-x: looking out
x-light-x: First look of spring..
x-light-x: highlands in October sun
x-light-x: highlands
x-light-x: above sandtjønn
x-light-x: quiet spot #2
x-light-x: another forest scene
x-light-x: cave spider
x-light-x: silhouettes from this evening
x-light-x: found in the forest
x-light-x: natures decoration
x-light-x: Trollskog
x-light-x: classic
x-light-x: free space
x-light-x: natures eye
x-light-x: Out driving
x-light-x: taking pictures
x-light-x: stones
x-light-x: highlands of Telemark
x-light-x: Grazing areas #2
x-light-x: Grazing areas
x-light-x: in the mirror