x-girl: manga 漫画 まんが マンガ
x-girl: i love shimokita
x-girl: Manga reader
x-girl: come look at me!!!
x-girl: mobile crape shop
x-girl: t-shirt Tシャツ てーしゃつ
x-girl: 7UP
x-girl: sapporo beer
x-girl: lychee Dita liquor
x-girl: tailor-made
x-girl: ready-made
x-girl: マサコ
x-girl: the collection
x-girl: shinpei
x-girl: brand new notes needed for wedding!
x-girl: shinpei with his camera
x-girl: money runs out fast in tokyo
x-girl: the usuals last days in tokyo
x-girl: midnite nibble
x-girl: cafe latte
x-girl: Reiko and Jyun-chan
x-girl: Shimokita LOVE
x-girl: Jyun-chan
x-girl: beer sucker
x-girl: how many people are there in this picture?
x-girl: his tactics 作戦開始
x-girl: manga reader 漫画朗読者
x-girl: scream 叫び
x-girl: hide and seek かくれんぼ
x-girl: we were captured しばし拘束