wythallman: Elderly twins
wythallman: The painter
wythallman: Swami
wythallman: Market porter 1970
wythallman: Swami in full colour again
wythallman: Evening beach scene, Brittany #2
wythallman: Evening beach scene, Brittany
wythallman: Rural crafts
wythallman: Contemplation
wythallman: Generations
wythallman: Feed the birds
wythallman: Feed the birds
wythallman: Ribbon seller
wythallman: Shopping list
wythallman: Waiting
wythallman: I read the news today
wythallman: Black and white ...
wythallman: A break for the chef
wythallman: There's a place in the sun
wythallman: Old man, old house
wythallman: Deep in thought
wythallman: Bumboat pilot
wythallman: Hard life guy
wythallman: I do like to be beside the seaside
wythallman: A day at the beach
wythallman: Two hats
wythallman: Nice hat
wythallman: In the ring
wythallman: "Scarecrow"