www.wyp.org.uk: Wayne Robinson (Scarecrow)
www.wyp.org.uk: Melanie La Barrie (Aunt Em/Addaperle)
www.wyp.org.uk: Allyson Ava-Brown (Glinda/Evillene), Clive Rowe (Lion) and Treyc Cohen (Dorothy)
www.wyp.org.uk: Wayne Robinson (Scarecrow)
www.wyp.org.uk: Josette Bushell-Mingo (Director) and Paul J Medford (Choreographer)
www.wyp.org.uk: Peter Straker (The Wiz)
www.wyp.org.uk: Allyson Ava-Brown (Glinda/Evillene) and Wayne Robinson (Scarecrow)
www.wyp.org.uk: Josette Bushell-Mingo (Director)
www.wyp.org.uk: Wayne Robinson (Scarecrow), Horace Oliver (Tinman), Treyc Cohen (Dorothy) and Clive Rowe (Lion)
www.wyp.org.uk: Treyc Cohen (Dorothy)
www.wyp.org.uk: Treyc Cohen (Dorothy)
www.wyp.org.uk: Wayne Robinson (Scarecrow) and Horace Oliver (Tinman)