Topsy@Waygood: Clones fd's slideshow test
Topsy@Waygood: Slow TV (work in progress) - four screen animation test, working across multiple different flickr sites in conjunction with fd's slideshow
Topsy@Waygood: Slow TV - leave a comment if you are interested in your photos appearing across these four screens in the centre of Newcastle during the AV08 Festival
Topsy@Waygood: Waygood studio holders in alphabetical order of their first names + artists on 6 month residencies
Topsy@Waygood: Slow TV animated membership
Topsy@Waygood: Slow TV membership minibook page 15
Topsy@Waygood: SLOW TV programme 2, March 13 - March 26
Topsy@Waygood: Quarter page advert for SLOW TV in the local listings magazine, The Crack
Topsy@Waygood: front of flier
Topsy@Waygood: reverse of flier
Topsy@Waygood: WYGD SLOW TV proudly presents...
Topsy@Waygood: At the preview of SLOW TV
Topsy@Waygood: At the preview of SLOW TV
Topsy@Waygood: Pickersgill Reef on all the Slow TV screens
Topsy@Waygood: Pickersgill Reef on all the Slow TV screens
Topsy@Waygood: Builders arriving
Topsy@Waygood: Pickersgill Reef and Jock Mooney
Topsy@Waygood: Pickersgill Reef
Topsy@Waygood: Pickersgill Reef on the Tate Modern website