Topsy@Waygood: SLOW TV ... is on its way
Topsy@Waygood: Bob Dylan's slow tv animated gif
Topsy@Waygood: COMING SOON
Topsy@Waygood: Slow TV (work in progress) - four screen animation test, working across multiple different flickr sites in conjunction with fd's slideshow
Topsy@Waygood: Slow TV - work in progress
Topsy@Waygood: COMING SOON
Topsy@Waygood: Four Slow TV monitors in a grid formation - work in progress
Topsy@Waygood: Slow TV - leave a comment if you are interested in your photos appearing across these four screens in the centre of Newcastle during the AV08 Festival
Topsy@Waygood: Slow TV animated membership
Topsy@Waygood: Slow TV installation - (23/01/08)
Topsy@Waygood: Slow TV installation - (23/01/08)
Topsy@Waygood: Slow TV installation - (23/01/08)
Topsy@Waygood: Slow TV installation - (23/01/08)
Topsy@Waygood: Slow TV installation - (23/01/08) view from inside
Topsy@Waygood: Slow TV installation - (23/01/08) side window
Topsy@Waygood: Slow TV installation - (23/01/08) side window
Topsy@Waygood: Installing Slow TV (i)
Topsy@Waygood: Installing Slow TV (iii)
Topsy@Waygood: Installing Slow TV (iv)
Topsy@Waygood: Installing Slow TV (ii)
Topsy@Waygood: Slowly but surely
Topsy@Waygood: This will be in placce, in the shop window, next weekend
Topsy@Waygood: This shows the high quality edge between the wall and the screen
Topsy@Waygood: COMING SOON
Topsy@Waygood: WYGD SLOW TV installation
Topsy@Waygood: WYGD SLOW TV information screen
Topsy@Waygood: WYGD SLOW TV programme 4, April 10 - April 23
Topsy@Waygood: SLOW TV programme 1, February 28 - March 12
Topsy@Waygood: Slow TV installation (8)
Topsy@Waygood: Slow TV installation (7)