Wyethia: art journal sketch
Wyethia: detail from a page in my Prescribed Fire journal
Wyethia: Continuing workshop. Art journal.
Wyethia: March 8, Studio Dreams
Wyethia: Studio Dreams, visual journal
Wyethia: Bunny girl doesn't feel sexy. Sick day, weird sketches
Wyethia: Bunny girl doesn't feel sexy. Sick day, weird sketches
Wyethia: Layer under the recent egret drawing. I liked the weird bunny girl...
Wyethia: 1st layer metaphorical me, Prescribed Fire journal
Wyethia: 1st layer, metaphorical me in Prescribed Fire journal
Wyethia: Egret hunting
Wyethia: page from visual journal
Wyethia: The River lady
Wyethia: Detail from visual journal
Wyethia: Continuing workshop. Art journal.
Wyethia: background for journal spread, working through Juliana Coles Quickdraw mini workshop
Wyethia: stretched thin, 3/9/13 everyday matters
Wyethia: Lacuna bird (inaginary), 3/9/13 everyday matters
Wyethia: Enable. Art journal march 10
Wyethia: March 10 self portrait
Wyethia: Art journal. Today's 365
Wyethia: Everyday matters 3/13/21013
Wyethia: my new drawing studio space
Wyethia: 100 faces project, ink on paper bag
Wyethia: 100 faces project, starting point self portrait, pencil.
Wyethia: Picasso face , 100 faces series #6
Wyethia: 100 faces exercise
Wyethia: Drawing practice. Feet and hands
Wyethia: Drawing practice. Feet and hands
Wyethia: Drawing practice. Feet and hands