wyep: Josh of Meeting of Important People warms up witht he CAPA students
wyep: Volunteers Tina, Mary Ann, and Lea
wyep: Waiting for check-in to start
wyep: Santa Claus even made it to the Hoot
wyep: Volunteers Phil & Ana (Block Party) with Dave (Saturday AfterHours)
wyep: Volunteer Candice & Mark
wyep: Twirling kids love the Hoot
wyep: Hoot crowd
wyep: Mark hits up the disappearing donated desserts
wyep: WYEP Interns Claire and Mark
wyep: Roots and Rhythm Mix Host Jesse with Director of Content Kyle & The Soul Show's Mike
wyep: front, then l to r: Volunteers Amber & Carly, Marketing Director Jessica, Development Direct Maura, and Membership Director Kathi
wyep: Crowd at the Hoot
wyep: Carrie with Morning Mix Host Cindy
wyep: Volunteers Amber and Dave (Saturday AfterHours Host) and Development Director Maura
wyep: Crowd enjoying dessert
wyep: Administrative and Volunteer Coordinator Teresa and Santa
wyep: WYEP GM Lee Ferraro and Mr. Claus
wyep: donuts!
wyep: dessert pizza!
wyep: CAPA student band
wyep: Morning Mix Host Cindy introduces Joe Grushecky
wyep: Aaron Jentzen
wyep: Joe Grushecky and the CAPA student band
wyep: CAPA student band
wyep: Mon River Ramblers
wyep: Mon River Ramblers
wyep: Mon River Ramblers and Bill Deasy
wyep: Mon River Ramblers and Mark Dignam
wyep: Ben Hardt