kyebird46: DSCN0677
kyebird46: Alum Cave Creek/Great Smokies
kyebird46: The Gang getting ready for Mt Leconte
kyebird46: Painted Trillum/It is plant of cool woods following Spruce and Fir trees all the way to Canada/Great Smokies/
kyebird46: Great Smokies
kyebird46: Climbing up to MT Leconte/Great Smokies
kyebird46: Trail to Mt Leconte/Great Smokies/TN
kyebird46: Climbing to the Summit of Mt Leconte/TN
kyebird46: False Solomon's Seal/Alum Cave Trail/Great Smokies/TN
kyebird46: At the Summit of Mt Leconte/Great Smokies /TN
kyebird46: Summit of Mt Leconte/Great Smokies/TN/6,593 Feet
kyebird46: Kye and Mary /Great Smokies/Mt Leconte/TN
kyebird46: Alum Cave Bluffs/Great Smokies/TN
kyebird46: Red -headed Woodpecker/Great Smokies/TN
kyebird46: Our Cabin/Great Smokies/TN
kyebird46: Fringed Phacelia/A early spring Ephemeral/Great Smokies/
kyebird46: Fringed Phacelia/Great Smokies/
kyebird46: Showy Orchis/Chimney Tops Picnic Area/Great Smokies/TN
kyebird46: Mary at Clingman's Dome/Great Smokies
kyebird46: HARVEY BROOM
kyebird46: DSCN0708
kyebird46: Hooded Warbler/Laurel Falls Trail/Great Smoky Mts/
kyebird46: Hooded Warbler/Laurel Falls Trail/Great Smoky Mts/
kyebird46: Trout Lily/Great Smoky Mountains/TN/It may take 7 years to Flower/
kyebird46: Yellow-star Grass/Laurel Fall Trail/Great Smokies/TN
kyebird46: Sweet Shrub-Calycanthus floridus/Great Smokies/Laurel Falls
kyebird46: Great Smokies/ Duskywing Species/
kyebird46: Kenny and Rick/at Laurel Falls/Great Smokies
kyebird46: Bird's Foot Violet//Laurel Falls Trail/Great Smokies/TN