Colecephalocereus buxbaumianus (Buining) First published (1974) Brazil (S. Bahia, Minas Gerais). A newer discovered genus of plants. Older books have limited information on these.
Colecephalocereus fluminensis (Miqu., Backb., (T), Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Niteroy Published in: Cactaceae (Berlin) 1941, (1942)
Colecephalocereus goebelianus (Vpl.) Ritt., goebelianus For Prof. Dr. Karl I. E. Goebel (1855–1932), German botanist and director of the Botanical Garden München
Buiningia aurea Brazil, NE. of Minas Geraes near Agua Vermelha F.Ritter (discovered FR in 1965) Kakteen Sukk. xix. 158 (1968), 280 and 910 meters wide range
Buiningia aurea Brazil, NE. of Minas Geraes near Agua Vermelha F.Ritter (discovered FR in 1965) Kakteen Sukk. xix. 158 (1968), 280 and 910 meters wide range
Buningia brevicylindrica Buin. year 1971. Brazil, Minas Geraes N. of the Rio Jequitinhonha
Buningia purpurea Buin. & Bred. year 1973. Brazil, NE. of Minas Geraes on the Rio Jequintinhonha 350-400 m. First discovered by Horst 1971