WWJE: Seared Maguro
WWJE: Tatami Iwashi (タタミイワシ)
WWJE: Eggplant Skewers
WWJE: Baked Whole Potato stuffed with Cod Roe
WWJE: Some… fried thing?
WWJE: Foie Gras with Balsamic Glaze
WWJE: Sweet Potato with Bonito Flakes
WWJE: Chicken Skewers
WWJE: Tokusei Oyako Don (特掣親子丼)
WWJE: Fried Onigiri
WWJE: Hiyashi Tori Ramen (冷やし鶏ラーメン)
WWJE: Nagaimo Karaage (長芋唐揚げ)