WVDOT: Brent Walker and Randy Damron both from WVDOH jpg
WVDOT: Hon Nick Joe Rahall along with Brent Walker,William Gambill both from DOH
WVDOT: Marvin Murphy from DOH Tom Smith FHWA and Sec Paul Mattox jpg
WVDOT: Marvin Murphy Tom Smith Paul Mattox Hon Nick Joe Rahall jpg
WVDOT: Randy Damron of DOH jpg
WVDOT: Marvin Murphy of DOH jpg
WVDOT: Hon Emmett S Pugh Mayor of Beckleyjpg
WVDOT: National Anthem sang by Elizabeth Dunlap from WVDOHjpg
WVDOT: Tom Smith FHWAjpg
WVDOT: Paul Mattox Jr WVDOH Sec jpg
WVDOT: Hon Nick Joe Rahall jpg
WVDOT: Randy Damron, Beckley Mayor Emmett S Pugh and Elizabeth Dunlapjpg
WVDOT: Ribbon Cutting of the East Beckley Bypass Dec 5th ,2011 jpg
WVDOT: Nick Joe Rahall with Tom Smith jpg