wvannus: sliding in
wvannus: squeezing in
wvannus: pedal adjust
wvannus: cockpit
wvannus: launch viewed from behind
wvannus: mind the cone
wvannus: feeling out the course
wvannus: launch viewed from front
wvannus: sea of cones
wvannus: full throttle straight
wvannus: chicane
wvannus: precarious cone
wvannus: hard left
wvannus: pulling out
wvannus: overly slow shutter experiment 1
wvannus: overly slow shutter experiment 2
wvannus: overly slow shutter experiment 3
wvannus: "it's quick"
wvannus: eating the chicane
wvannus: biting the cone...
wvannus: ...chewing the cone...
wvannus: ...spitting it out
wvannus: getting out
wvannus: close group photo (26mm)
wvannus: more distant group photo (19mm)
wvannus: color cones
wvannus: comic style