W.D. Vanlue: Cloudy Day
W.D. Vanlue: Parking outside Morning Glory
W.D. Vanlue: Where Am I?
W.D. Vanlue: Getting Directions
W.D. Vanlue: Your Are Here
W.D. Vanlue: Big Wheel
W.D. Vanlue: REMEMBER!!!
W.D. Vanlue: Monroe Bike Cage
W.D. Vanlue: Brotmpton & a Tree
W.D. Vanlue: Monroe Middle School
W.D. Vanlue: Bike Parking at Monroe Middle School
W.D. Vanlue: Directions to School
W.D. Vanlue: Bike in Eugene
W.D. Vanlue: Holiday Jackalopes
W.D. Vanlue: Merry Christmas
W.D. Vanlue: Jackalope Lounge
W.D. Vanlue: 3...2...1...
W.D. Vanlue: Black & White Freight
W.D. Vanlue: Freight
W.D. Vanlue: No Tresspassing
W.D. Vanlue: No Tresspassing
W.D. Vanlue: Beautiful Brompton
W.D. Vanlue: Two Bromptons in Eugene
W.D. Vanlue: With Bromptons at the Amtrak Station
W.D. Vanlue: Eugene Amtrak Station
W.D. Vanlue: Brompton by the Tracks
W.D. Vanlue: Black & White Baggage
W.D. Vanlue: Amtrak Train
W.D. Vanlue: Bromptons & Amtrak Train