Paul de Gregorio: Forward to the west!
Paul de Gregorio: Work Birthday. #pilsnerurquell
Paul de Gregorio: Anti Homophobe Always. #greenlanes #London #sticker #activist #activism #antifa
Paul de Gregorio: From the top deck of the 341 bus. #London #greenlanes #341bus #bus
Paul de Gregorio: Lenin. #lenin
Paul de Gregorio: London bound. On the Berry's Superfast. #Somerset #portishead #clifton #berryssuperfast
Paul de Gregorio: On the Berry's Superfast. #Somerset #berryssuperfast
Paul de Gregorio: This is where the magic happens.
Paul de Gregorio: Southbank. #southbank #London
Paul de Gregorio: Inkie at St Paul's Cathedral. #inkie #stpaulscathedral #stpauls #London #graffiti
Paul de Gregorio: No more grockle shots...
Paul de Gregorio: London.
Paul de Gregorio: No. Your nieces are up.
Paul de Gregorio: Daft Punk.
Paul de Gregorio: Shut up.
Paul de Gregorio: Before heading out into the rain.
Paul de Gregorio: Somerset. Cider. Burrow Hill Medium to be precise. #Somerset #cider #Pilton #Glastonbury #glastonbury2015 #theciderbus #burrowhillcider #burrowhill
Paul de Gregorio: Most people there didn't have a fucking clue of course. #Pilton #Glastonbury #glastonbury2015 #Somerset #battleofthebeanfield
Paul de Gregorio: Went to Pilton. Had a CIDER. Back now.
Paul de Gregorio: Glastonbury Tor. Through the window of ze bus. #Glastonbury #glastonbury2015 #Pilton #glastonburytor #Somerset
Paul de Gregorio: Field in Somerset. #Somerset #glastonbury2015 #Glastonbury #Pilton
Paul de Gregorio: One from the weekend. #Pilton #glastonbury2015 #Somerset #Glastonbury
Paul de Gregorio: Glastonbury bound. #glastonbury #glastonbury2015 #Pilton #Somerset
Paul de Gregorio: Work. Fiona.
Paul de Gregorio: Bridgwater via Bristol. Oh how everyone laughed when I nicked a whole roll of those stickers and bombed every pub and club I went to in Bristol. Aged 17. What a dick.
Paul de Gregorio: On my wall. #obeygiant #shepardfairey
Paul de Gregorio: Quickie. #supers #doodle
Paul de Gregorio: Too much LOVE. #Guadalupe #hechoconganas
Paul de Gregorio: Snoozy Shizzle
Paul de Gregorio: Finsbury Park