wunztwice: My RA left this on my bed, guess the contents...!
wunztwice: Mmm, Skeleton Tower and King's Castle Siege
wunztwice: Both Sets
wunztwice: A flap, like the old sets...kinda...
wunztwice: Back o' the box
wunztwice: Back o' the other box
wunztwice: Guys, er figs...
wunztwice: Bags are out!
wunztwice: Bags #erd 1
wunztwice: Bags #erd 2
wunztwice: Best part of the whole set!
wunztwice: A close second!
wunztwice: They look interesting up close
wunztwice: The first page...
wunztwice: DSC00983
wunztwice: My Girlfriend's favorite pic on the box.
wunztwice: Stage one bags open
wunztwice: Figs!
wunztwice: Plain torso, oh well...
wunztwice: Pretty Princess, probably the most sought-after new fig!
wunztwice: Double trouble...er head...
wunztwice: Wizard, with out beard prop.
wunztwice: Closer, you gotta love that torso!
wunztwice: New skelley
wunztwice: Hero shot.
wunztwice: Fzzzztt
wunztwice: Sizzle!!!
wunztwice: Growl. He's meaner looking than I thought.
wunztwice: Wangs
wunztwice: Black tooth/barb!!!